Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Science fair

The first grade is so proud of all our friends for their great science projects!!
We had fun looking at them all.

Friday, January 25, 2013

100th day of school

First graders of PDS are 100 days smarter! We had so much fun today! We counted to 100 (a lot!!) many different ways, each child presented their project and they performed in chapel. They were the cutest group of senior citizens I have ever seen.

We also celebrated Martin and Tristan's birthday!! Happy birthday boys!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Christmas Party

Today's party was a success!! Thanks to all the moms that helped make it a fun day!!

Sunshine and Smiles

We were so happy the sun was shinning Friday!! Everyone enjoyed getting outside.

We started a fun writing topic Friday that turned out so cute! "If I were trapped in a snow globe I would"